小麦主栽品种济麦22与良星99的基因组序列多态性比较分析 |
杨正钊, 王梓豪, 胡兆荣, 辛明明, 姚颖垠, 彭惠茹, 尤明山, 宿振起, 郭伟龙 |
Comparative analysis of the genomic sequences between commercial wheat varieties Jimai 22 and Liangxing 99 |
YANG Zheng-Zhao, WANG Zi-Hao, HU Zhao-Rong, XIN Ming-Ming, YAO Ying-Yin, PENG Hui-Ru, YOU Ming-Shan, SU Zhen-Qi, GUO Wei-Long |
图3 利用PCR对济麦22(JM22)、良星99(LX99)和中国春(CS)中检测的CNV区间进行验证 2D_COM_CNV和2B_COM_CV分别为2D和2B染色体上共有区间序列设计的引物; 2B_LX99_CNV1和2B_LX99_CNV2为在2B染色体上良星99特有的CNV区间中序列设计的引物。每对引物对应的3个泳道从左到右分别为: 良星99(LX99)、济麦22(JM22)和中国春(CS)。 |
Fig. 3 PCR validation of detected CNVs in Jimai 22 (JM22), Liangxing 99 (LX99) and Chinese Spring (CS) 2D_COM_CNV and 2B_COM_CNV were designed utilizing sequences in common CNV regions in 2D and 2B chromosomes, respectively; 2B_LX99_CNV1 and 2B_ LX99_CNV2 were designed utilizing sequences in Liangxing 99-specific CNV regions in chromosome 2B. The corresponding three lanes from left to right for each primer are Liangxing 99 (LX99), Jimai 22 (JM 22) and Chinese Spring (CS). |
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