陈夕军, 唐滔, 李丽丽, 陈宸, 陈煜文, 张亚芳, 左示敏

Analysis on the structures of polygalacturonase-inhibiting proteins and the expression profile of its encoding genes in rice
CHEN Xi-Jun, TANG Tao, LI Li-Li, CHEN Chen, CHEN Yu-Wen, ZHANG Ya-Fang, ZUO Shi-Min
图3 OsPGIP蛋白质3D结构模拟图
卡通图中红色、黄色和绿色分别表示α-螺旋、β-折叠和随机卷曲。A: 具有典型PGIP空间结构的各OsPGIP3D模型; B: 分别采用SWISS-MODEL、CPHmodels和SCRATCH方法模拟的OsPGIP6和OsPGIP7空间结构模型; C: OsPGIP7与RsPG2的蛋白分子对接, 网眼图为OsPGIP7, 卡通图为RsPG2。
Fig. 3 3D structure of OsPGIPs
Red, yellow, and green in the cartoon figures mean α-helix, β-sheet, and random coil, respectively. A: 3D structure of OsPGIPs with typical spatial structure of PGIP. B: 3D structures of OsPGIP6 and OsPGIP7 constructed with homologous modeling methods of SWISS-MODEL, CPH model and SCRATCH. C: Protein docking of OsPGIP7 and RsPG2. Mesh and cartoon figures mean OsPGIP7 and RsPG2, respectively.