
Increasing phosphate fertilizer application to improve photosynthetic capacity and yield of summer soybean in weak light environment
Wei ZHAO,Tian-Yue ZHEN,Zi-Shan ZHANG,Zheng XU,Da-Peng GAO,Cong DING,Peng LIU,Geng LI,Tang-Yuan NING
图2 不同施磷量和遮光处理对花后大豆叶面积的影响
不同字母表示处理间差异在0.05水平差异显著。R1: 始花期; R3: 结荚初期; R5: 鼓粒初期; R7: 成熟初期; LA: 单株叶面积; SLA: 比叶面积。处理同表1
Fig. 2 Effects of different phosphate fertilizer application and light environment treatments on soybean leaf area after anthesis
Different letters indicate significant differences among treatments at the 0.05 probability level. R1: beginning flowering; R3: beginning pod; R5: beginning seed; R7: beginning maturity; LA: leaf area per plant; SLA: specific leaf area. Treatments are the same as those given in Table 1.