
Revealing the genetic diversity of wheat varieties (lines) in China based on SNP markers
Yi-Ke LIU,Zhan-Wang ZHU,Ling CHEN,Juan ZOU,Han-Wen TONG,Guang ZHU,Wei-Jie HE,Yu-Qing ZHANG,Chun-Bao GAO
图5 基于SNP标记的240个小麦品种(系)主成分分析
A为西南麦区品种, B为长江中下游麦区品种, C为黄淮南片品种, D为黄淮北片品种, E为北部麦区品种, F为国外品种。
Fig. 5 Principle component analysis (PCA) of 240 wheat varieties (lines) based on SNP markers
A: wheat varieties (lines) from Southwest China; B: wheat varieties (lines) from the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River; C: wheat varieties (lines) from South Huang-Huai; D: wheat varieties (lines) from North Huang-Huai, China; E: wheat varieties (lines) from Northern China; E: wheat varieties (lines) from Foreign.