
QTL analysis for relative contents of glycinin and β-conglycinin fractions from storage protein in soybean seeds under monoculture and relay intercropping
Dai-Ling LIU,Jun-Feng XIE,Qian-Rui HE,Si-Wei CHEN,Yue HU,Jia ZHOU,Yue-Hui SHE,Wei-Guo LIU,Wen-Yu YANG,Xiao-Ling WU
表6 贮藏蛋白含量相关的候选基因分类
Table 6 Candidate gene classification related to glycinin and β-conglycinin relative content from storage protein
Biological process
基因ID (净作/套作)
Gene ID (Monoculture/Relay intercropping)
Annotation description
I 激素调节
Regulation of
Glyma.01G179900; Glyma.14G193800, 060300, 195200, 195300, 196000, 196600, 197100, 197200, 197500, 197600, 198000, 198100, 198300, 198600, 199200, 200200, 202000, 202600, 202700, 203000 / Glyma.01G025300, 025400, 025500, 025600, 027400; Glyma.18G251800, 252200, 252300, 252400 脱落酸激活的信号通路、激素介导的信号通路、乙烯激活的信号通路、生长素反应、脱落酸反应
Abscisic acid-activated signaling pathway, hormone-mediated signaling pathway, ethylene-activated signaling pathway, response to auxin, response to abscisic acid
II 氨基酸合成
Amino acid
Glyma.01G180100; Glyma.04G211400; Glyma.06G243800; Glyma.14G195300, 196600, 197100, 198700, 202000, 202700, 203000, 203700 / Glyma.01G025600, 027100, 027400, 028100, 028700; Glyma.08G210500; Glyma.18G250600, 251800 蛋白丝氨酸/苏氨酸激酶活性、丝氨酸家族氨基酸代谢过程
Protein serine/threonine kinase activity, serine family amino acid metabolic process
III 蛋白质磷酸化
Glyma.06G243800; Glyma.14G195200, 196600, 202700, 203000 / Glyma.01G027100, 028000, 028700; Glyma.18G249400, 249700, 249900, 250500, 250600, 251800 蛋白质磷酸化、蛋白质丝氨酸/苏氨酸磷酸酶活性、蛋白质脱磷酸
Protein phosphorylation, protein serine/threonine phosphatase activity, protein dephosphorylation
IV 细胞器生物过程
biological process
Glyma.04G212200, 212400; Glyma.14G194300, 194500, 196600, 197600, 198000, 198100, 198600, 199000, 202000, 202400, 203000 / Glyma.01G025200, 026000, 026200, 026700, 028100; Glyma.18G248400, 251300, 251800, 253200 内质网、液泡、内质网膜
E ndoplasmic reticulum, vacuole, endoplasmic reticulum membrane
V 种子发育
Seed development
Glyma.01G179800; Glyma.14G197100, 197500, 199000, 202100 / Glyma.01G025200, 025300, 025400, 026200, 027400; Glyma.18G249400, 249700, 249800, 250000, 250100, 250600, 250700, 251200, 251800 子叶发育、以种子休眠结束的胚胎发育
Cotyledon development, embryo development ending in seed dormancy