小麦重要产量性状的主基因+多基因混合遗传分析 |
解松峰,吉万全,张耀元,张俊杰,胡卫国,李俊,王长有,张宏,陈春环 |
Genetic effects of important yield traits analysed by mixture model of major gene plus polygene in wheat |
Song-Feng XIE,Wan-Quan JI,Yao-Yuan ZHANG,Jun-Jie ZHANG,Wei-Guo HU,Jun LI,Chang-You WANG,Hong ZHANG,Chun-Huan CHEN |
图2 A?B?C?D分别表示小麦重组自交系群体在2015-2016年陕西杨凌(E1: 2016SY)?2016-2017年陕西杨凌(E2: 2017SY)?2016-2017河南原阳(E3: 2017HY)?2016-2017四川广元(E4: 2017SG) 4个环境下重要产量性状的频率分布?相关性和拟合曲线 上三角形面板(对角线的右上方)显示了2个变量属性之间的相关系数以及显著性水平, 相关系数越大字号越大(星号越多表明越显著); 下三角形面板(对角线的左下方)为2个变量属性的散点图,显示的是具有拟合线的双变量散点图?对角线是各个变量的直方图, 每个显着性水平由一个符号表示, 对应关系依次为: 无符号 P < 0.1, “*” P < 0.05, “**”P < 0.01, “***”P < 0.001, “****”P < 0.0001? |
Fig. 2 Bonferroni-corrected genetic correlations for field yield traits with model parameters and a scatter plot matrix of linear fit lines in wheat-recombinant inbred lines (RILs). A, B, C, and D indicate the frequency distribution, correlation and fit curve of yield traits of RILs group in the four environments of Shaanxi Yangling in 2015-2016, Yangling in Shaanxi in 2016-2017, Yuanyang in Henan in 2016-2017, and Guangyuan in 2016-2017, respectively The distribution of each variable is shown on the diagonal. On the bottom of the diagonal, the bivariate scatter plots with a fitted line are displayed. On the top of the diagonal, the value of the correlation plus the significance level are shown as stars. Each significance level is associated with a symbol: no symbol P < 0.1, “*”P < 0.05, “**” P < 0.01, “***” P < 0.001, “****” P < 0.0001. |
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