
Inversion of leaf area index of winter wheat based on GF-1/2 image
HASAN Umut,SAWUT Mamat,Shui-Sen CHEN,Dan LI
表5 基于GF-1/2影像宽波段植被指数的LAI多变量估算模型
Table 5 LAI multivariable estimation model based on GF-1/2 broad band vegetation indices
生育期 Growth stage 模型方程 Model equation R2 RMSE
GF-1起身期 GF-1 Erecting stage LAI=2.0666×MSR+2.4609×EVI2+5.8022×OSAVI-4.2774 0.751 0.451
GF-2起身期 GF-2 Erecting stage LAI=6.8168×NDVI+3.1975×MSR+1.5024×SAVI-3.0187 0.809 0.395
GF-1拔节期 GF-1 Jointing stage LAI=2.4087×GNDVI+2.0794×NDVI+1.6322×SAVI+0.1967×GSR +0.7757 0.760 0.554
GF-1开花期 GF-1 Flowering stage LAI=1.2643×EVI+0.2265×GSR+4.2343×NDVI+0.0108 0.783 0.365