
Physicochemical properties and sequence analysis of Wx and OsSSIIa genes in japonica rice cultivars from Jiangsu province and northeast of China
Chun-Fang ZHAO,Hong-Liang YUE,Zheng TIAN,Ming-Chao GU,Ling ZHAO,Qing-Yong ZHAO,Zhen ZHU,Tao CHEN,Li-Hui ZHOU,Shu YAO,Wen-Hua LIANG,Kai LU,Ya-Dong ZHANG,Cai-Lin WANG
图1 3种类型粳稻理化性状的频率分布
a: 直链淀粉含量; b: 胶稠度; c: 糊化温度; d: 崩解值; e: 消减值; f: 峰值时间。
Fig. 1 Frequency distribution of physicochemical properties in three types of japonica rice
a: amylose content; b: gel consistency; c: gelatinization temperature; d: breakdown viscosity; e: setback viscosity; f: peak time.