
Biological characteristics and cytological studies on anther abortion of male sterile Camellia crassocolumna
Hui-Bing JIANG,Sheng-Mei YANG,Yu-Fei LIU,Yi-Ping TIAN,Yun-Nan SUN,Lin-Bo CHEN,Yi-Chun TANG
图7 可育株M352和不育株M350小孢子发育过程比较
A~E: 可育株M352; F~J: 不育株M350。A和F: 四分体时期; B和G: 单核早期; C和H: 单核期; D和I: 单核晚期; E和J: 双核期。
Fig. 7 Comparison of microspores development between fertile plant M352 and male sterile plant M350
A-E: fertile plant M352; F-J: sterile plant M350. A and F: tetrad stage; B and G: early uninucleate stage; C and H: uninucleate stage; D and I: later uninucleate stage; E and J: binucleate stage.