
Critical nitrogen dilution curves and nitrogen nutrition diagnosis of spring maize under different precipitation patterns in Weibei dryland
Peng-Zhao LIU,Zu-Jiao SHI,Fang NING,Rui WANG,Xiao-Li WANG,Jun LI
图3 不同降水状况下旱地玉米植株氮浓度与地上部生物量的关系
a: 穗期多雨; b: 穗期干旱。NcNminNmax分别代表为春玉米植株氮浓度临界值、最小值和最大值。
Fig. 3 Relationships between the plant N concentrations and aboveground biomass of dryland spring maize under the different precipitation patterns
a: rainy at the ear stage; b: drought at the ear stage. Nc, Nmin, and Nmax are critical nitrogen concentration, minimum, and maximum of nitrogen concentration in spring maize.