闻竞 1, 沈彦岐 1, 韩四平 1, 邢跃先 2, 张叶 1, 王梓钰 1, 李世界 1, 杨小红 3, 郝东云 1, 张艳 1,*( )
Exploration of specific gene(s) for ear rot resistance to Fusarium verticilloides in maize
Jing WEN 1, Yan-Qi SHEN 1, Si-Ping HAN 1, Yue-Xian XING 2, Ye ZHANG 1, Zi-Yu WANG 1, Shi-Jie LI 1, Xiao-Hong YANG 3, Dong-Yun HAO 1, Yan ZHANG 1,*( )
图5. 人工接种拟轮枝镰孢菌后锌指CCCH域蛋白19基因的相对表达量
Fig. 5. Relative expression of zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 19 gene after artificial inoculation with Fusarium verticillium