高国应1,2,3(), 伍小方1,2,3, 黄伟1,3, 周定港1,3, 张大为1,3, 周美亮2, 张凯旋2,*(), 严明理1,3,*()
Regulation of flavonoid pathway by BjuB.KAN4 gene in Brassica juncea
Guo-Ying GAO1,2,3(), Xiao-Fang WU1,2,3, Wei HUANG1,3, Ding-Gang ZHOU1,3, Da-Wei ZHANG1,3, Mei-Liang ZHOU2, Kai-Xuan ZHANG2,*(), Ming-Li YAN1,3,*()

图7. 转基因拟南芥总黄酮和原花青素含量检测
A: 转基因拟南芥总黄酮含量检测; B: 转基因拟南芥原花青素含量检测。WT: 野生型拟南芥; 3301: 转空载体拟南芥; KAN4-B04-1-3: 转BjuB.KAN4基因拟南芥; 每组数据代表3次生物学重复的平均值±SD。*表示在0.05水平差异显著; **表示在0.01水平差异显著。

Fig. 7. Measurement of the total flavonoids and the proathocyanidins contents in transgenic Arabidopsis
A: measurement of the total flavonoids content in transgenic Arabidopsis; B: measurement of the proathocyanidins content in transgenic Arabidopsis. WT: wild-type Arabidopsis; 3301: Arabidopsis overexpressing empty vector; KAN4-B04-1-3: Arabidopsis lines overexpressing BjuB.KAN4 gene. Each set of data represents the mean ± SD of three biological replicates. * Significant at P < 0.05; ** Significant at P < 0.01.