郑凯丽1(), 纪志远1(), 郝巍1, 唐永超1, 韦叶娜1,2, 胡运高2, 赵开军1, 王春连1,*()
Molecular identification of rice bacterial blight susceptible gene Xig1 and creation of disease resistant resources
Kai-Li ZHENG1(), Zhi-Yuan JI1(), Wei HAO1, Yong-Chao TANG1, Ye-Na WEI1,2, Yun-Gao HU2, Kai-Jun ZHAO1, Chun-Lian WANG1,*()

图3. T0代转基因材料的分子检测
M: 分子量标记; WT: IR24 (阴性对照); 1~32: T0代转基因植株。

Fig. 3. Molecular detection of T0 transgenic plants
M: marker; WT: IR24 (negative control); 1-32: T0 transgenic plants.