郑凯丽1(), 纪志远1(), 郝巍1, 唐永超1, 韦叶娜1,2, 胡运高2, 赵开军1, 王春连1,*()
Molecular identification of rice bacterial blight susceptible gene Xig1 and creation of disease resistant resources
Kai-Li ZHENG1(), Zhi-Yuan JI1(), Wei HAO1, Yong-Chao TANG1, Ye-Na WEI1,2, Yun-Gao HU2, Kai-Jun ZHAO1, Chun-Lian WANG1,*()

图4. 17个T2代基因编辑纯合株系靶点序列
大写加粗字母为PAM核苷酸序列; 下画线序列为靶点序列; 红色破折号表示核苷酸缺失; 红色小写字母表示插入的核苷酸; 斜体大写字母为起始密码子。序列右侧的数字代表各靶位点突变类型及突变所涉及的核苷酸数。“-”和“+”分别表示缺失和插入所指示的核苷酸数。100 bp为此序列中未显示的一段碱基序列。

Fig. 4. The target sequences of the 17 homozygous Xig1-edited lines of T2
Capitalized bold letters are PAM sequences; underlined sequences are target sequences; red dashes indicate nucleotide deletions; red lowercase letters indicate inserted nucleotides; italic capital letters are initiation codons. The numbers on the right side of the sequences represent the types of mutation at each target site and the number of nucleotides involved in the mutation. “-” and “+” indicate the number of deletion and insertion nucleotides, respectively. The 100 bp are the bases not shown in this sequence.