郑凯丽 1(  ), 纪志远 1(  ), 郝巍 1, 唐永超 1, 韦叶娜 1,2, 胡运高 2, 赵开军 1, 王春连 1,*(  )
Molecular identification of rice bacterial blight susceptible gene Xig1 and creation of disease resistant resources
Kai-Li ZHENG 1(  ), Zhi-Yuan JI 1(  ), Wei HAO 1, Yong-Chao TANG 1, Ye-Na WEI 1,2, Yun-Gao HU 2, Kai-Jun ZHAO 1, Chun-Lian WANG 1,*(  )
图5. 8个T2转基因抗病株系抗病反应 A, C: 分别为接种7 d和14 d时8个转基因株系与对照IR24病斑长度症状图。B, D: 分别为接种7 d和14 d时8个转基因株系与对照IR24病斑长度柱形图。**代表极显著差异(P < 0.01)。箭头: 接种的IR24叶片。
Fig. 5. Disease response to Xoo strain P6 of 8 T2 transgenic lines A, C: Disease reactions of 7 days and 14 days after inoculation in eight transgenic lines and IR24. B, D: Lesion length of 7 days and 14 days after inoculation with PXO99A in eight transgenic lines compared with IR24. ** denotes significantly different (P < 0.01). Arrows indicates the inoculated leaves of IR24.