Fig. 3. Expression of GhPIF4 in different tissue and induced by high temperature in Gossypium hirsutum A and B: the expression analysis of GhPIF4 in H05 (A) and YZ1 (B), respectively. C: the expression pattern of proGhPIF4:GUS transgenic cotton; a: whole anther from the blooming flower; b: single anther from the blooming flower; c: sepal; d: petal; e: young leaf. D: the heat-induced expression analysis of GhPIF4 in ‘H05’ anthers at different development stages. Figures a, c, d, e, bar = 1 cm; figure b, bar = 100 μm; HN and HH refer to ‘H05’ under normal temperature and high temperature stress conditions, respectively; < 7 mm represents a mixture of flower buds less than 7 mm in length; **P < 0.01.