田景山( ), 张煦怡, 王文敏, 杨延龙, 随龙龙, 张鹏鹏, 张亚黎, 张旺锋 *( ), 勾玲 *( )
A method of defoliant application based on fiber damage and boll growth period of machine-harvested cotton
Jing-Shan TIAN( ), Xu-Yi ZHANG, Wen-Min WANG, Yan-Long YANG, Long-Long SUI, Peng-Peng ZHANG, Ya-Li ZHANG, Wang-Feng ZHANG *( ), Ling GOU *( )
图2. 脱叶催熟剂喷施时间对棉纤维长度损伤等级的影响 柱状图是不同等级的纤维长度损伤量在试点间的比例分布, 横坐标是不同等级纤维长度的损伤量占全部试点数的百分比(%), 纵坐标是纤维长度损伤量的等级。散点图中的误差线为该组数值的标准偏差。处理同图1。
Fig. 2. Effects on distribution of fiber length damage amount of different defoliant application times The bar graphs represent the distribution of fiber length damage among all samples, the X-axis is the percentage of fiber length damage grades and the Y-axis is the grades of fiber length damage amount. In the scatter graphs, the values are means ± standard deviation. Treatments are the same as those given in Fig. 1.