侯慧芝(), 张绪成*(), 方彦杰, 于显枫, 王红丽, 马一凡, 张国平, 雷康宁
Effects of micro ridge-furrow with plastic mulching on soil hydrothermal environment and photosynthesis at seedling stage of spring wheat on cold rain-fed area
Hui-Zhi HOU(), Xu-Cheng ZHANG*(), Yan-Jie FANG, Xian-Feng YU, Hong-Li WANG, Yi-Fan MA, Guo-Ping ZHANG, Kang-Ning LEI

图7. 不同处理对春小麦苗期生长速率的影响

Fig. 7. Effects of different treatments on plant growth rate at seedling stage of spring wheat
Different lowercase letters mean significant difference among treatments at the 0.05 probability level. Treatments are the same as those given in Fig. 2.