武超, 刘贤文, 张炜, 王琼, 郭华春

Control effects of different potato varieties (lines) and rice-potato rotation system on root-knot nematode
Chao WU, Xian-Wen LIU, Wei ZHANG, Qiong WANG, Hua-Chun GUO
表3 水旱轮作后块茎、根系和土壤中根结线虫情况统计
Table 3 Statistics of root-knot nematodes in tubers, roots, and soil after crop rotation
of tuber
of root
Nematodes of soil
Relative control
effect (%)
一茬 青薯9号-青薯9号 Qingshu 9-Qingshu 9 + + +
First 滇杂36-青薯9号 Yunnan miscellaneous 36-Qingshu 9 - - 100
crop 合作88-合作88 Cooperation 88-Cooperation 88 + + +
Apr., 2017 滇杂36-合作88 Yunnan miscellaneous 36-Cooperation 88 - - 100
丽薯6号-丽薯6号 Lishu 6-Lishu 6 + + +
滇杂36-丽薯6号 Yunnan miscellaneous 36-Lishu 6 - - 100
1002-1-1002-1 + + +
滇杂36-1002-1 Yunnan miscellaneous 36-1002-1 - - 100
二茬 青薯9号-青薯9号 Qingshu 9-Qingshu 9 + + +
Second 滇杂36-青薯9号 Yunnan miscellaneous 36 -Qingshu 9 - - - 100
crop 合作88-合作88 Cooperation 88-Cooperation 88 + + +
Nov., 2011 滇杂36-作88 Yunnan miscellaneous 36-Cooperation 88 - - - 100
丽薯6号-丽薯6号 Lishu 6-Lishu 6 + + +
滇杂36-丽薯6号 Yunnan miscellaneous 36-Lishu 6 - - - 100
1002-1-1002-1 + + +
滇杂36-1002-1 Yunnan miscellaneous 36-1002-1 - - - 100
三茬 青薯9号-青薯9号 Qingshu 9-Qingshu 9 + + +
Third 滇杂36-青薯9号 Yunnan miscellaneous 36-Qingshu 9 - - 100
crop 合作88-合作88 Cooperation 88-Cooperation 88 + + +
Apr., 2018 滇杂36-合作88 Yunnan miscellaneous 36-Cooperation 88 - - 100
丽薯6号-丽薯6号 Lishu 6-Lishu 6 + + +
滇杂36-丽薯6号 Yunnan miscellaneous 36-Lishu 6 - - 100
1002-1-1002-1 + + +
滇杂36-1002-1 Yunnan miscellaneous 36-1002-1 - - 100
四茬 青薯9号-青薯9号 Qingshu 9-Qingshu 9 + + +
The 滇杂36-青薯9号 Yunnan miscellaneous 36-Qingshu 9 - - - 100
fourth 合作88-合作88 Cooperation 88-Cooperation 88 + + +
crop 滇杂36-合作88 Yunnan miscellaneous 36-Cooperation 88 - - - 100
Nov., 2018 丽薯6号-丽薯6号 Lishu 6-Lishu 6 + + +
滇杂36-丽薯6号 Yunnan miscellaneous 36-Lishu 6 - - - 100
1002-1-1002-1 + + +
滇杂36-1002-1 Yunnan miscellaneous 36-1002-1 - - - 100