武超(), 刘贤文, 张炜, 王琼*(), 郭华春*()
Control effects of different potato varieties (lines) and rice-potato rotation system on root-knot nematode
Chao WU(), Xian-Wen LIU, Wei ZHANG, Qiong WANG*(), Hua-Chun GUO*()

图1. 水旱轮作对马铃薯单株产量、单株有效产量、单株结薯数、块茎侵染率的影响
A: 水旱轮作对马铃薯单株产量的影响; B: 水旱轮作对马铃薯单株有效产量的影响; C: 水旱轮作对马铃薯结薯数的影响; D: 水旱轮作对马铃薯块茎侵染率的影响。Q9: 青薯9号; H88: 合作88; L6: 丽薯6号。不同小写字母表示处理间差异显著(P<0.05)。计算结果为第二茬和第四茬两季的平均值。

Fig. 1. Effects on yield per plant, effective yield per plant, number of tubers per plant and infection rate of tuber in irrigation and drought rotation
A: effects of yield level per plant from irrigation and drought rotation; B: effects of effective yield level per plant from irrigation and drought rotation; C: effects of number of tubers per plant from irrigation and drought rotation; D: effects of infection rate of tuber from irrigation and drought rotation. Q9: Qingshu 9; H88: Cooperation 88; L6: Lishu 6. Different lowercase letters indicate significantly different among treatments at P < 0.05. The results are the averages of the second and fourth crops.