耿腊, 黄业昌, 李梦迪, 谢尚耿, 叶玲珍, 张国平

Genome-wide association study of β-glucan content in barley grains
GENG La, HUANG Ye-Chang, LI Meng-Di, XIE Shang-Geng, YE Ling-Zhen, ZHANG Guo-Ping
图1 119份大麦材料在长兴(A)和慈溪(B)的β-葡聚糖含量分布以及2个地点的β-葡聚糖含量相关性(C)
**表示在0.01水平差异显著。** Significant differences at P = 0.01.
Fig. 1 Distribution frequency of β-glucan content of the examined 119 barley accessions at CHX (A) and CX (B) and correlation between two different sites (C)