大麦籽粒β-葡聚糖含量的全基因组关联分析 |
耿腊, 黄业昌, 李梦迪, 谢尚耿, 叶玲珍, 张国平 |
Genome-wide association study of β-glucan content in barley grains |
GENG La, HUANG Ye-Chang, LI Meng-Di, XIE Shang-Geng, YE Ling-Zhen, ZHANG Guo-Ping |
图5 11个候选基因转录本表达的热图和注释 基因在各个生长发育期的转录表达值以对数进行标准化后的取值范围是-2.5~2.5, 红色表示高表达, 蓝色表示低表达, 灰色表示无表达。 |
Fig. 5 Heat map and annotations of transcript expression of 11 putative candidate genes For each period, the transcript expression values are calculated as LOG ranged from -2.5 to 2.5. Red blocks indicate high expression, blue indicate low expression, and gray mean no expression. |