高璐, 许文亮

GhP4H2 encoding a prolyl-4-hydroxylase is involved in regulating cotton fiber development
GAO Lu, XU Wen-Liang
图1 GhP4H2的系统进化分析和GhP4H2基因表达谱
A: 棉花GhP4H2与拟南芥GhP4H蛋白系统进化关系; B: GhP4H2基因在棉花各组织的表达谱。1: 根; 2: 下胚轴; 3: 子叶; 4: 真叶; 5: 花瓣; 6: 花药; 7: 15 DPA胚珠; 8: 0 DPA纤维(含胚珠); 9: 3 DPA纤维(含胚珠); 10: 5 DPA纤维; 11: 9 DPA纤维; 12: 15 DPA纤维; 13: 20 DPA纤维。DPA: 开花后天数。误差线代表标准误差。
Fig. 1 Phylogenetic analysis of GhP4H2 and expression profile of GhP4H2
A: phylogenetic relationship of GhP4H2 and Arabidopsis P4Hs; B: expression analysis of GhP4H2 in different cotton tissues. 1: root; 2: hypocotyl; 3: cotyledon; 4: leaves; 5: petals; 6: anthers; 7: 15 DPA ovule; 8: 0 DPA fiber (with ovule); 9: 3 DPA fiber (with ovule); 10: 5 DPA fiber; 11: 9 DPA fiber; 12: 15 DPA fiber; 13: 20 DPA fiber. DPA: days post anthesis. Error bar represents the standard deviation.