高璐, 许文亮

GhP4H2 encoding a prolyl-4-hydroxylase is involved in regulating cotton fiber development
GAO Lu, XU Wen-Liang
图2 GhP4H2在野生型和转基因棉花株系中的表达分析
A: GhP4H2在不同株系5 DPA纤维中表达分析; B: GhP4H2在不同株系10 DPA纤维中表达分析。RiL16、RiL28表示2个独立的GhP4H2 RNAi株系; WT表示野生型; OEL10、OEL38表示2个独立的GhP4H2过表达株系。**表示在0.01水平差异显著。
Fig. 2 Expression analysis of GhP4H2 in wild type and transgenic cotton lines
A and B: quantitative RT-PCR analysis of GhP4H2 expression in 5 DPA (A) and 10 DPA (B) fibers from independent transgenic cotton lines and wild type. RiL16 and RiL28 represent two independent GhP4H2-RNAi lines; WT represents the wild type; OEL10 and OEL38 represent two independent GhP4H2 overexpression lines. ** means significant difference at the 0.01 probability level.