张绪成, 马一凡, 于显枫, 侯慧芝, 王红丽, 方彦杰, 张国平, 雷康宁

Effects of tillage depth on soil hydrological characteristics and potato yield on northwest Loess Plateau
ZHANG Xu-Cheng, MA Yi-Fan, YU Xian-Feng, HOU Hui-Zhi, WANG Hong-Li, FANG Yan-Jie, ZHANG Guo-Ping, LEI Kang-Ning
图6 不同旋耕深度对马铃薯阶段耗水量的影响
图柱为阶段耗水量, 图线为阶段降水量。标以不同小写字母表示处理间在0.05水平差异显著。处理同图3
Fig. 6 Effects of different tillage depths on periodical evapotranspiration of potato
The bar represents the periodical evapotranspiration, the line represents the periodical precipitation. The bar with different lowercase letters mean significant difference among treatments at the 0.05 probability level. Treatments are the same as those given in Fig. 3.