王荣焕, 徐田军, 陈传永, 王元东, 吕天放, 刘月娥, 蔡万涛, 刘秀芝, 赵久然
Grain filling and dehydrating characteristics of maize hybrids with different maturity
WANG Rong-Huan, XU Tian-Jun, CHEN Chuan-Yong, WANG Yuan-Dong, LYU Tian-Fang, LIU Yue-E, CAI Wan-Tao, LIU Xiu-Zhi, ZHAO Jiu-Ran
表1 供试玉米品种的生育期与积温
Table 1 Growth period and accumulated temperature of maize hybrids
熟期类型 Maturity type | 品种 Hybrid | 吐丝期 Silking stage (month/day) | 生理成熟期 Physiological maturity (month/day) | 生育期 Growing period (d) | 吐丝期-生理 成熟期天数 Days from silking stage to physiological maturity (d) | 吐丝期-生理成熟期积温 Accumulated temperature from silking stage to physiological maturity (℃ d) | 中早熟类型 Medium-early maturity type | 吉单27 Jidan 27 | 7/9 | 9/1 | 107 | 54 | 1406.5 | 京农科728 Jingnongke 728 | 7/9 | 9/1 | 107 | 54 | 1406.5 | 农华101 Nonghua 101 | 7/10 | 9/1 | 108 | 53 | 1379.6 | 中熟类型 Medium maturity type | 京单28 Jingdan 28 | 7/10 | 9/6 | 112 | 58 | 1488.8 | 先玉335 Xianyu 335 | 7/10 | 9/5 | 112 | 57 | 1467.2 | NK718 | 7/13 | 9/8 | 113 | 57 | 1447.5 | 京华8号 Jinghua 8 | 7/13 | 9/9 | 114 | 58 | 1468.6 | 利民33 Limin 33 | 7/13 | 9/9 | 114 | 58 | 1468.6 | 京科528 Jingke 528 | 7/14 | 9/8 | 114 | 56 | 1417.1 | 京单38 Jingdan 38 | 7/10 | 9/5 | 114 | 57 | 1467.2 | 京科665 Jingke 665 | 7/10 | 9/8 | 116 | 60 | 1531.5 | 中晚熟类型 Medium-late maturity type | 郑单958 Zhengdan 958 | 7/14 | 9/16 | 121 | 64 | 1566.2 | 京科968 Jingke 968 | 7/13 | 9/15 | 121 | 64 | 1577.8 |