Pexp-up | 限制冠层伸展的土壤水分消耗上限阈值。Soil water depletion threshold for canopy expansion-upper threshold. |
Pexp-lw | 限制冠层伸展的土壤水分消耗下限阈值。Soil water depletion threshold for canopy expansion-lower threshold. |
Pexshp | 限制冠层伸展的水分胁迫系数曲线的形状因子。Shape factor for Water stress coefficient for canopy expansion. |
DeKcTr,x | 因衰老、氮元素亏缺导致的作物系数下降速率。Decline of crop coefficient as a result of ageing, nitrogen deficiency. |
KcTr,x | 冠层形成和枯萎前的作物系数。Crop coefficient before canopy formation and senescence. |
Rexshp | 根区根系伸展曲线的形状因子。Shape factor describing root zone expansion. |
Zmin | 根系初始深度。Minimum effective rooting depth. |
Zx | 最大有效根深。Maximum effective rooting depth. |
WP*yf | 产量形成期的归一化水分生产力。 Water productivity normalized for ET0 and CO2 during yield formation (as percent WP* before yield formation). |
WP* | 归一化水分生产力。Water productivity normalized for ET0 and CO2. |
CCx | 最大冠层覆盖度。Maximum canopy cover. |
CGC | 冠层生长系数。Canopy growth coefficient. |
CDC | 冠层衰减系数。Canopy decline coefficient. |
HI0 | 参考收获指数。Reference harvest index. |