孙倩, 邹枚伶, 张辰笈, 江思容, Eder Jorge de Oliveira, 张圣奎, 夏志强, 王文泉, 李有志

Genetic diversity and population structure analysis by SNP and InDel markers of cassava in Brazil
SUN Qian, ZOU Mei-Ling, ZHANG Chen-Ji, JIANG Si-Rong, Eder Jorge de Oliveira, ZHANG Sheng-Kui, XIA Zhi-Qiang, WANG Wen-Quan, LI You-Zhi
图1 192份木薯品种的群体遗传结构
a: 利用ADMIXTURE软件对192份木薯材料进行群体结构分析, 计算K为1~12时的CV error。b: K = 9时的群体结构, 在该群体结构中, 每个个体用一根带有9种不同颜色的线表示, 根据颜色的占比推断该品种属于哪个亚群, 红、橙、黄、绿、蓝绿、湖蓝、深蓝、紫、紫红色分别代表亚群1~9。c: 利用高质量变异位点对192份巴西木薯进行主成分分析, 每一个点代表一份样品, 橙色、桔色、黄色、草绿、深绿、天蓝、深蓝、紫和紫红色分别代表亚群1~9 (根据ADMIXTURE软件推断的结果)。
Fig. 1 Population genetic structure of 192 cassava cultivars
a: ADMIXTURE was used to analyze the population structure of 192 cassava materials, and the cross-validation error was calculated when K was 1-12. b: The population structure at K = 9, in this population structure, each individual is represented by a line with multiple different colors, and the subgroup to which the individual belongs is inferred based on the proportion of the color, the nine color regions arranged from left to right in order represent subgroups 1 to 9, respectively. c: Principal component analysis (PCA) of the group, one point represents an individual, nine colors and their corresponding shapes represent different subgroups.