水稻萌发耐淹性种质资源筛选及QTL定位 |
孙志广, 王宝祥, 周振玲, 方磊, 迟铭, 李景芳, 刘金波, Bello Babatunde Kazeem, 徐大勇 |
Screening of germplasm resources and QTL mapping for germinability under submerged condition in rice (Oryza sativa L.) |
SUN Zhi-Guang, WANG Bao-Xiang, ZHOU Zhen-Ling, FANG Lei, CHI Ming, LI Jing-Fang, LIU Jin-Bo, Bello Babatunde Kazeem, XU Da-Yong |
图4 连粳15号/黄莉占F2:3群体中检测到的萌发耐淹性QTL 染色体右边是分子标记名称, 左边是遗传距离(cM)。 |
Fig. 4 QTLs for germinability under submerged condition (GS) detected in LJ15/HLZ F2:3 population Marker names are given on the right of the chromosome and map distances (cM) on the left. PVE: phenotypic variation explaned. |