姜鸿瑞, 叶亚峰, 何丹, 任艳, 杨阳, 谢建, 程维民, 陶亮之, 周利斌, 吴跃进, 刘斌美

Identification and gene localization of a novel rice brittle culm mutant bc17
JIANG Hong-Rui, YE Ya-Feng, HE Dan, REN Yan, YANG Yang, XIE Jian, CHENG Wei-Min, TAO Liang-Zhi, ZHOU Li-Bin, WU Yue-Jin, LIU Bin-Mei
图1 突变体bc17和野生型wyj7植株及茎秆折断表现型
A: 成熟期植株; B: 成熟期茎秆折断表型; C: 成熟期叶片; D: 穗部表型。
Fig. 1 Plants and broken culm phenotype of mutant type bc17 and wild type wyj7 in mature stage
A: Plants of mature stage; B: An easily broken bc17 culm indicated by arrows; C: Leaves of mature stage; D: Panicle phenotype. wyj7: Wuyunjing 7; bc17: brittle culm 17.