孟鑫浩 1( ), 张靖男 1, 崔顺立 1, Charles Y.Chen 2, 穆国俊 1, 侯名语 1, 杨鑫雷 1,*( ), 刘立峰 1,*( )
QTL mapping and QTL × Environment interaction analysis of pod and seed related traits in cultivated peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
MENG Xin-Hao 1( ), ZHANG Jing-Nan 1, CUI Shun-Li 1, Charles Y. Chen 2, MU Guo-Jun 1, HOU Ming-Yu 1, YANG Xin-Lei 1,*( ), LIU Li-Feng 1,*( )
图1. 荚果及种子表型图 白色指示条为标尺, 大小为1 cm。
Fig. 1. Phenotypes of pods and seeds The white bar indicates 1 cm.