任媛媛 1( ), 张莉 2, 郁耀闯 1, 张彦军 1, 张岁岐 3,*( )
Competitive effect of soybean density on yield formation in maize/soybean intercropping systems
REN Yuan-Yuan 1( ), ZHANG Li 2, YU Yao-Chuang 1, ZHANG Yan-Jun 1, ZHANG Sui-Qi 3,*( )
图2. 不同间作方式对土地当量比的影响 MS1、MS2、MS3分别表示玉米与低密度(9株 m-2)、中密度(21株 m-2)、高密度(33株 m-2)的大豆间作。白色、灰色符号分别表示玉米与大豆以2:2、2:4种植比例的间作方式。
Fig. 2. Effects of different interplanting patterns on land equivalent ratio MS1, MS2, and MS3 indicate maize intercropping soybean with low density (9 plants m-2), medium density (21 plants m-2), and high density (33 plants m-2), respectively. White and gray symbols indicate 2:2 and 2:4 row proportion in maize-soybean intercropping systems.