赵旭阳1(), 姚方杰1, 龙黎1, 王昱琦1, 康厚扬1,2, 蒋云峰1,2, 李伟3, 邓梅1, 李豪1, 陈国跃1,2,*()
Evaluation of resistance to stripe rust and molecular detection of resistance genes of 93 wheat landraces from the Qinghai-Tibet spring and winter wheat zones
ZHAO Xu-Yang1(), YAO Fang-Jie1, LONG Li1, WANG Yu-Qi1, KANG Hou-Yang1,2, JIANG Yun-Feng1,2, LI Wei3, DENG Mei1, LI Hao1, CHEN Guo-Yue1,2,*()

图1. 青藏春冬麦区部分小麦地方种质Yr18的分子检测
M: 分子量; Yr18: Yr18/6* Avocet S; AvS: Avocet Susceptible; 1: 加查扎仁卓玛; 2: 大红麦; 3: 广欠无芒; 4: 尕老汉; 5: 高山早熟小麦; 6: 白玉小麦; 7: 普芒红麦; 8: 白马店卓; 9: 长芒白粒麦; 10: 波密杂麦-5; 11: 林芝杂小麦; 12: 踏荣卓。

Fig. 1. Molecular detection of Yr18 in part of wheat landraces collected from the Qinghai-Tibet spring and winter wheat zones in China
M: molecular weight standard; Yr18: Yr18/6* Avocet S; AvS: Avocet Susceptible; 1: Jiachazharenzhuoma; 2: Dahongmai; 3: Guangqianwumang; 4: Galaohan; 5: Gaoshanzaoshuxiaomai; 6: Baiyuxiaomai; 7: Pumanghongmai; 8: Baimadianzhuo; 9: Changmangbailimai; 10: Bomizamai-5; 11: Linzhizaxiaomai; 12: Tarongzhuo.