烟草非特异性脂质转移蛋白基因家族的鉴定与分析 |
李鹏, 刘彻, 宋皓, 姚盼盼, 苏沛霖, 魏跃伟, 杨永霞, 李青常 |
Identification and analysis of non-specific lipid transfer protein family in tobacco |
LI Peng, LIU Che, SONG Hao, YAO Pan-Pan, SU Pei-Lin, WEI Yao-Wei, YANG Yong-Xia, LI Qing-Chang |
图11 Nitab4.5_0000125g0010 (I型)和Nitab4.5_0004362g0040基因(IV型)在烟草不同组织中的表达水平 以根中的相对表达量作为对照, 红色和绿色表示相对表达量高和低。R: 根; ST: 茎; L: 下部叶; ML: 中部叶; UL: 上部叶; F: 花。 |
Fig. 11 Relative expression levels of Nitab4.5_0000125g0010 (type I) and Nitab4.5_0004362g0040 (type IV) in different tissues of tobacco The relative expression levels in the roots were used as controls, with high and low relative expression levels in red and green, respectively. R: root; ST: stem; L: lugs; ML: middle leaf; UL: upper leaf; F: flower. |
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