烟草非特异性脂质转移蛋白基因家族的鉴定与分析 |
李鹏, 刘彻, 宋皓, 姚盼盼, 苏沛霖, 魏跃伟, 杨永霞, 李青常 |
Identification and analysis of non-specific lipid transfer protein family in tobacco |
LI Peng, LIU Che, SONG Hao, YAO Pan-Pan, SU Pei-Lin, WEI Yao-Wei, YANG Yong-Xia, LI Qing-Chang |
图12 Nitab4.5_0000125g0010 (黑色)和Nitab4.5_ 0004362g0040基因(灰色)在不同处理下的表达模式 用2-Δ∆CT方法计算相对基因表达量。将0 h的相对表达量设置为1。误差线表示3个生物学重复的标准偏差。37℃: 高温处理; NaCl: 盐处理; Mannitol: 甘露醇处理; GA: 赤霉素处理; IAA: 生长素处理; MeJA: 茉莉酸甲酯处理; ABA: 脱落酸处理; SA: 水杨酸处理。*表示在0.05水平上差异显著。 |
Fig. 12 Relative expression patterns of Nitab4.5_0000125g0010 (black) and Nitab4.5_0004362g0040 (gray) under different treatments The relative gene expression was calculated by 2-ΔΔCT method. The relative expression of 0 h was set to 1. Error bars represent the standard deviations of three biological replicates. 37°C: high temperature treatment; NaCl: salt treatment; Mannitol: mannitol treatment; GA: gibberellin treatment; IAA: auxin treatment; MeJA: methyl jasmonate treatment; ABA: abscisic acid treatment; SA: salicylic acid treatment. *: P < 0.05. |
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