胡鑫慧, 谷淑波, 朱俊科, 王东

Effects of applying potassium at different growth stages on dry matter accumulation and yield of winter wheat in different soil-texture fields
HU Xin-Hui, GU Shu-Bo, ZHU Jun-Ke, WANG Dong
图1 冬小麦单茎干物质积累量的变化
S: 沙壤土地块; F: 粉壤土地块; K0: 不施钾处理; K1: 钾肥全部播种前底施处理; K2: 钾肥50%于播种期底施+50%于拔节期追施; W: 越冬期; T: 返青期; J: 拔节期; A: 开花期; M: 成熟期。误差线为标准差。柱上不同字母表示在同一生育期的不同处理之间差异显著(P < 0.05)。
Fig. 1 Changes of dry matter accumulation in single stem of winter wheat
S: sandy loam plot; F: powder loam plot; K0: no potassium fertilizer; K1: all potash fertilizer was applied as base manure; K2: 50% potash fertilizer was applied as base manure and additional potash fertilizer was applied at jointing stage; W: wintering stage; T: turning green stage; J: jointing stage; A: anthesis stage; M: maturity stage. The error bar is standard deviation. Different lowercase letters above the columns indicate significant difference at P < 0.05 among treatments at the same growth stage.