覃潇敏, 潘浩男, 肖靖秀, 汤利, 郑毅
Effects of maize and soybean intercropping on nodule growth, nitrogen fixation of soybean under low phosphorus condition
QIN Xiao-Min, PAN Hao-Nan, XIAO Jing-Xiu, TANG Li, ZHENG Yi
表3 不同磷水平下玉米与大豆间作对大豆不同组织氮素吸收量的影响
Table 3 Effects of maize and soybean intercropping on N uptake of soybean different organs under different P rates (mg plant-1)
磷水平 P rates | 种植模式 Planting patterns | 叶 Leaves | 茎 Stems | 根 Roots | 根瘤 Nodules | 全株 Whole plant | P50 | MS | 13.76±1.51 a | 11.61±1.78 a | 1.24±0.09 a | 1.22±0.01 a | 27.83±1.07 a | | IS | 25.05±2.46 a | 17.31±0.36 a | 2.80±0.32 a | 2.72±0.19 a | 47.88±2.87 a | P100 | MS | 24.03±1.58 a | 21.36±0.61 a | 3.41±0.15 a | 1.81±0.20 a | 50.60±0.97 a | | IS | 34.63±1.86 a | 26.67±2.20 a | 5.53±0.24 a | 3.59±0.32 a | 70.43±3.52 a | 施磷量 P rates | P50 | | 19.41 b | 14.46 b | 2.02 b | 1.97 b | 37.86 b | P100 | | 29.33 a | 24.02 a | 4.47 a | 2.70 a | 60.51 a | 种植模式 Planting pattern | | MS | 18.90 b | 16.48 b | 2.32 b | 1.51 b | 39.22 b | | IS | 29.84 a | 21.99 a | 4.17 a | 3.16 a | 59.15 a | 显著性 Significance | 磷水平 P rates (P) | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** | 种植模式 Planting patterns (PP) | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** | P×PP | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns |