董二伟, 王劲松, 武爱莲, 王媛, 王立革, 韩雄, 郭珺, 焦晓燕

Effects of row space and plant density on characteristics of grain filling, starch and NPK accumulation of sorghum grain of different parts of panicle
DONG Er-Wei, WANG Jin-Song, WU Ai-Lian, WANG Yuan, WANG Li-Ge, HAN Xiong, GUO Jun, JIAO Xiao-Yan
图3 行距和密度对各部位单穗籽粒重的影响
30-13.5: 行距30 cm, 密度13.5万株 hm-2; 30-16.5: 行距30 cm, 密度16.5万株 hm-2; 30-19.5: 行距30 cm, 密度19.5万株 hm-2; 30-22.5: 行距30 cm, 密度22.5万株 hm-2; 50-13.5: 行距50 cm, 密度13.5万株 hm-2; 50-16.5: 行距50 cm, 密度16.5万株 hm-2; 50-19.5: 行距50 cm, 密度19.5万株 hm-2; 50-22.5: 行距50 cm, 密度22.5万株 hm-2; 60-13.5: 行距60 cm, 密度13.5万株 hm-2; 60-16.5: 行距60 cm, 密度16.5万株 hm-2; 60-19.5: 行距60 cm, 密度19.5万株 hm-2; 60-22.5: 行距60 cm, 密度22.5万株 hm-2。a: 上部穗位; b: 中部穗位; c: 下部穗位。
Fig. 3 Effects of row space and planting densities on grain weight of different portions per panicle
30-13.5: row space 30 cm, density 135 thousand plants hm-2; 30-16.5: row space 30 cm, density 165 thousand plants hm-2; 30-19.5: row space 30 cm, density 195 thousand plants hm-2; 30-22.5: row space 30 cm, density 225 thousand plants hm-2; 50-13.5: row space 50 cm, density 135 thousand plants hm-2; 50-16.5: row space 50 cm, density 165 thousand plants hm-2; 50-19.5: row space 50 cm, density 195 thousand plants hm-2; 50-22.5: row space 50 cm, density 225 thousand plants hm-2; 60-13.5: row space 60 cm, density 135 thousand plants hm-2; 60-16.5: row space 60 cm, density 165 thousand plants hm-2; 60-19.5: row space 60 cm, density 195 thousand plants hm-2; 60-22.5: row space 60 cm, density 225 thousand plants hm-2. a: upper part of panicle; b: middle part of panicle; c: lower part of panicle.