孟钰玉 1( ), 魏春茹 1, 范润侨 1, 于秀梅 1,2,*( ), 王逍冬 2, 赵伟全 2, 魏新燕 2, 康振生 3, 刘大群 2
TaPP2-A13 gene shows induced expression pattern in wheat responses to stresses and interacts with adaptor protein SKP1 from SCF complex
MENG Yu-Yu 1( ), WEI Chun-Ru 1, FAN Run-Qiao 1, YU Xiu-Mei 1,2,*( ), WANG Xiao-Dong 2, ZHAO Wei-Quan 2, WEI Xin-Yan 2, KANG Zhen-Sheng 3, LIU Da-Qun 2
图8. Co-IP分析本氏烟草叶片中TaPP2-A13与TaSKP1的互作 将烟草总蛋白提取物与带有anti-HA的beads一起孵育, 通过anti-FLAG和anti-HA进行免疫沉淀物分析。
Fig. 8. Interaction of TaPP2-A13 and TaSKP1 in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves by Co-IP Total protein extracts of N. benthamiana were incubated with anti-HA affinity beads, the immunoprecipitates were analyzed by immunoblotting with anti-FLAG and anti-HA antibodies.