练云1(), 王金社1, 魏荷1, 李金英1, 弓贵明2, 王树峰1, 张晶鹏1, 李茂林1, 郭建秋3, 卢为国1,*()
Distribution survey of soybean cyst nematode of new race X12 in Gujiao city, Shanxi province
LIAN Yun1(), WANG Jin-She1, WEI He1, LI Jin-Ying1, GONG Gui-Ming2, WANG Shu-Feng1, ZHANG Jing-Peng1, LI Mao-Lin1, GUO Jian-Qiu3, LU Wei-Quo1,*()

图1. 古交市大豆胞囊线虫新小种X12分布图(2019-2020年调查)
N: 受大豆胞囊线虫感染但未鉴定出结果的样本; R2: 2号生理小种; R4: 4号生理小种; X12: X12 新小种。红实心三角形1代表最初发现X12小种的地点; 红实心三角形2代表本次调查新发现X12小种的地点; 较大的蓝实心圆形代表有可能会优先由4号小种进化为X12小种的地点。

Fig. 1. Race distribution of soybean cyst nematode of new race X12 in Gujiao city (surveyed in 2019 and 2020)
N: samples infected with SCN but without identification results; R2: race 2; R4: race 4; X12: race X12. Red solid triangle 1 stands for the original race X12 discovery location; red solid triangle 2 stands for determined as race X12 location according to this survey; the bigger blue solid circle stands for race 4 with potential prior determined as race X12 in the future.