普通小麦氮素利用效率相关性状全基因组关联分析 |
靳义荣, 刘金栋, 刘彩云, 贾德新, 刘鹏, 王雅美 |
Genome-wide association study of nitrogen use efficiency related traits in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) |
JIN Yi-Rong, LIU Jin-Dong, LIU Cai-Yun, JIA De-Xin, LIU Peng, WANG Ya-Mei |
图3 160份普通小麦品系不同氮素条件下根系相关性状相对值全基因组关联分析曼哈顿图 RNRT: 相对根尖数; RTRL: 相对总根长; RTRS: 相对总根表面积; RTRV: 相对总根体积; RARD: 相对根平均直径。 |
Fig. 3 Manhattan plots for relative root system architecture (RSA) related traits under different nitrogen level in 160 common wheat lines RNRT: relative number of root tips; RTRL: relative total root length; RTRS: relative total root surface area; RTRV: relative total root volume; RARD: relative average root diameter. |
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