项洪涛, 李琬, 郑殿峰, 王诗雅, 何宁, 王曼力, 杨纯杰

Effects of uniconazole and waterlogging stress in seedling stage on the physio logy and yield in adzuki bean
XIANG Hong-Tao, LI Wan, ZHENG Dian-Feng, WANG Shi-Ya, HE Ning, WANG Man-Li, YANG Chun-Jie
图5 淹水胁迫及喷施S3307对小豆幼苗叶片CAT活性的影响
处理同图1。同天内标以不同字母的值在P = 0.05水平上差异显著。
Fig. 5 Effects of waterlogging stress and spraying S3307 on CAT activity in leaf of seedlings of adzuki bean
Treatments are the same as those given in Fig. 1. Values of CAT activity within the same day with different letters are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level.