王恒波, 陈姝琦, 郭晋隆, 阙友雄

Molecular detection of G1 marker for orange rust resistance and analysis of candidate resistance WAK gene in sugarcane
WANG Heng-Bo, CHEN Shu-Qi, GUO Jin-Long, QUE You-Xiong
图5 拟南芥、水稻、高粱和甘蔗WAK蛋白的序列比对
EGF1: 表皮生长因子重复序列; EGF2: 钙结合类表皮生长因子结构域; TM: 跨膜域; ATP-B: ATP结合位点; KAS: 激酶活性位点。
Fig. 5 Multiple sequences alignment of WAK protein from Arabidopsis, rice, sorghum, and sugarcane
EGF1: EGF1-like region; EGF2: calcium-binding EGF-like domain; TM: transmembrane region; ATP-B: ATP-binding region; KAS: kinase active site are underlined.