苗期重金属胁迫下蓖麻生长、生理和重金属积累效应 |
吕冬梅, 朱广龙, 王玥, 施雨, 卢发光, 任桢, 刘昱茜, 顾立峰, 卢海潼, Irshad Ahmad, 焦秀荣, 孟天瑶, 周桂生 |
Growth, physiological, and heavy metal accumulation traits at seedling stage under heavy metal stress in castor (Ricinus communis L.) |
LYU Dong-Mei, ZHU Guang-Long, WANG Yue, SHI Yu, LU Fa-Guang, REN Zhen, LIU Yu-Qian, GU Li-Feng, LU Hai-Tong, Irshad Ahmad, JIAO Xiu-Rong, MENG Tian-Yao, ZHOU Gui-Sheng |
图1 重金属处理下蓖麻幼苗株高的变化 10 DAS: 播种后第10天; 25 DAS: 播种后第25天。柱上同一时期不同大、小写字母表示处理间在0.05水平上差异显著。 |
Fig. 1 Variation of plant height of castor seedlings under different heavy metals treatments 10 DAS: 10 days after seeding; 25 DAS: 25 days after seeding. Values followed by different capital and small letters above the bar at same growth periods are significantly different among treatments at the 0.05 probability level. |
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