种植密度对贵州春玉米茎秆抗倒伏性能及籽粒产量的影响 |
郑迎霞, 陈杜, 魏鹏程, 卢平, 杨锦越, 罗上轲, 叶开梅, 宋碧 |
Effects of planting density on lodging resistance and grain yield of spring maize stalks in Guizhou province |
ZHENG Ying-Xia, CHEN Du, WEI Peng-Cheng, LU Ping, YANG Jin-Yue, LUO Shang-Ke, YE Kai-Mei, SONG Bi |
图2 密度对玉米茎秆节间横截面积和横截面扁率的影响(2019年) 柱上不同小写字母表示处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。 D1、D2、D3、D4、D5和D6分别代表种植密度3.0×104、4.5×104、6.0×104、7.5×104、9.0×104和10.5×104株 hm-2。XY1171: 先玉1171; XZY801: 新中玉801。 |
Fig. 2 Effects of density on the cross-sectional area and cross-section flatness of maize stalk internodes in 2019 Bars marked with different lowercase letters indicate significantly different among treatments at P < 0.05. D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, and D6 represent planting densities of 3.0×104, 4.5×104, 6.0×104, 7.5×104, 9.0×104, and 10.5×104 plants hm-2, respectively. XY1171: Xianyu 1171; XZY801: Xinzhongyu 801. |