秦天元, 刘玉汇, 孙超, 毕真真, 李安一, 许德蓉, 王一好, 张俊莲, 白江平

Identification of StIgt gene family and expression profile analysis of response to drought stress in potato
QIN Tian-Yuan, LIU Yu-Hui, SUN Chao, BI Zhen-Zhen, LI An-Yi, XU De-Rong, WANG Yi-Hao, ZHANG Jun-Lian, BAI Jiang-Ping
图5 干旱胁迫时间下马铃薯StIgt1、StIgt3StIgt10基因的表达
*, **分别表示在0.05和0.01水平上显著差异。
Fig. 5 Gene expression of StIgt1, StIgt3 and StIgt10 under drought stress in potato
* and ** mean significant difference at the 0.05 and 0.01 probability levels, respectively.