李杰华, 端群, 史明涛, 吴潞梅, 柳寒, 林拥军, 吴高兵, 范楚川, 周永明

Development and identification of transgenic rapeseed with a novel gene for glyphosate resistance
LI Jie-Hua, DUAN Qun, SHI Ming-Tao, WU Lu-Mei, LIU Han, LIN Yong-Jun, WU Gao-Bing, FAN Chu-Chuan, ZHOU Yong-Ming
图4 T2和T3代转I. variabilis EPSPS基因植株的Southern blot杂交拷贝数检测
A: EcoR I酶切、CaMV35S promoter探针; B: Hind III酶切、CaMV35S promoter探针; C: EcoR I酶切、EPSPS探针; D: Hind III酶切、EPSPS探针。M: DNA marker; P: pTGH-1质粒(阳性对照); N: J9707 (阴性对照); 1~9: 转基因阳性植株, 依次为EPS-1的T2代植株、EPS-2的T2代植株、EPS-3的T2代植株、EPS-4的T2代植株、EPS-5的T2代植株、EPS-6的T2代植株、EPS-6的T3代植株、EPS-7的T2代植株、EPS-7的T3代植株。
Fig. 4 Determination of the I. variabilis EPSPS transgenic copy number by Southern blotting analysis in the T2 and T3 positive transgenic plants
A: detection of Southern blot with the hybrid probe of CaMV35S promoter and EcoR I restriction enzyme; B: detection of Southern blot with the hybrid probe of CaMV35S promoter and Hind Ш restriction enzyme; C: detection of Southern blot with the hybrid probe of EPSPS gene and EcoR I restriction enzyme; D: detection of Southern blot with the hybrid probe of EPSPS gene and Hind Ш restriction enzyme. M: DNA marker; P: pTGH-1 plasmid (positive control); N: J9707 (negative control); 1-9: the positive transgenic plants, which are a T2 plant of EPS-1, a T2 plant of EPS-2, a T2 plant of EPS-3, a T2 plant of EPS-4, a T2 plant of EPS-5, a T2 plant of EPS-6, a T3 plant of EPS-6, a T2 plant of EPS-7, and a T3 plant of EPS-7, respectively.