水稻单倍体诱导基因OsMATL突变体的创制与分析 |
文钦, 贾思思, 王加峰, 黄翠红, 王慧, 陈志强, 郭涛 |
Construction and identification of haploid induction gene OsMATL mutants in rice |
WEN Qin, JIA Si-Si, WANG Jia-Feng, HUANG Cui-Hong, WANG Hui, CHEN Zhi-Qiang, GUO Tao |
图7 结实表型及不同类型败育籽粒表型 A, B: 结实表型; C, D: 败育表型; 红色三角形指向为实粒。标尺为0.5 cm。 |
Fig. 7 Seed setting phenotype and different types of abortion seed phenotypes A, B: the phenotype of seed setting; C, D: the phenotype of abortion seed; the red triangles point to solid grains. Bar = 0.5 cm. |
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