吴然然, 林云, 陈景斌, 薛晨晨, 袁星星, 闫强, 高营, 李灵慧, 张勤雪, 陈新

Genetic and cytological analysis of male sterile mutant msm2015-1 in mungbean
WU Ran-Ran, LIN Yun, CHEN Jing-Bin, XUE Chen-Chen, YUAN Xing-Xing, YAN Qiang, GAO Ying, LI Ling-Hui, ZHANG Qin-Xue, CHEN Xin
图1 绿豆雄性不育突变体msm2015-1表型分析
A: 营养生长期; B: 花蕾; C: 盛开的花朵; D: 花蕾解剖图, 从左至右依次为旗瓣、翼瓣、龙骨瓣、雄蕊和雌蕊; E: 开花后第2天的小豆荚; F: 近成熟的豆荚。A图中标尺为10 cm, B~F图中标尺为1 cm。
Fig. 1 Phenotypic analysis of the msm2015-1 mutant in mungbean
A: vegetative growth stage; B: flower buds; C: opening flowers; D: anatomy of the flower bud, from left to right in order: standard petals, wing petals, keel petals, stamens and pistils; E: the little pods on 2nd day after flowering; F: nearly ripen pods. In figure A, bar = 10 cm; in figure B to F, bar = 1 cm.