绿豆雄性不育突变体msm2015-1的遗传学与细胞学分析 |
吴然然, 林云, 陈景斌, 薛晨晨, 袁星星, 闫强, 高营, 李灵慧, 张勤雪, 陈新 |
Genetic and cytological analysis of male sterile mutant msm2015-1 in mungbean |
WU Ran-Ran, LIN Yun, CHEN Jing-Bin, XUE Chen-Chen, YUAN Xing-Xing, YAN Qiang, GAO Ying, LI Ling-Hui, ZHANG Qin-Xue, CHEN Xin |
图2 绿豆雄性不育突变体msm2015-1花药及花粉粒形态观察 A: 花药, 白色箭头指示msm2015-1未正常开裂; B: ‘苏绿1号’柱头, 白色箭头指示大量花粉附着; C: msm2015-1柱头, 白色箭头指示几乎无花粉附着; D: ‘苏绿1号’花药的扫描电镜图; E: msm2015-1花药的扫描电镜图; F: ‘苏绿1号’成熟花粉粒的扫描电镜图; G: msm2015-1成熟花粉粒的扫描电镜图。A~C图中标尺为1 mm, D和E图中标尺为100 µm, F和G图中标尺为10 µm。 |
Fig. 2 Morphology observation of msm2015-1’s anthers and pollen grains in mungbean A: stamen, the white arrows indicate the indehiscent anther of msm2015-1; B: the pistil of Sulyu 1, the white arrow indicates the attached pollen grains on stigma; C: the pistil of msm2015-1, the white arrow indicates rarely pollen grains attached on stigma; D: scanning electron micrograph (SEM) image of Sulyu 1’s anther; E: SEM image of msm2015-1’s anther; F: SEM image of Sulyu 1’s mature pollen grains; G: SEM image of msm2015-1’s mature pollen grains. In figure A to C, bars = 1 mm; in figure D and E, bars = 100 µm; in fugure F and G, bars = 10 µm. |